Signs Of An Insecure Man In A Relationship

  • Womenscorner Desk
  • July 15, 2020

One of the outstanding relationship drama we constantly hear is about insecure or paranoid men.

Being in a relationship is something that needs time and dedication for it to work. Relationships are hard to deal with at some point and one would even give up without even trying to do something that would make your relationship work.

Being in love and to be loved is a healthy thing in life though  not all relationships work out, there are some people who will endure anything just to make their relationships work and set example that people in love can endure anything in this life.

Though there are some instances where your partner can be paranoid or insecure just because he or she loves you so much. If you want to know the signs of an insecure man, here are ways of finding out:

Jealous Of your male friends : A man who is jealous about your male friends is an indication that he is so much insecure with you. Always checking what you and your friends are up to and even requesting to join you when your friends want to take you out should make you ask yourself why he is doing such a thing or what he wants to achieve with that.

Eavesdropping on your communication with friends : When a friend calls you and you see your man eavesdropping it’s a sign that he wants to find out what the two of you are discussing about. This should make you worried at least because at some point he would even ask you to speak to your friend on loud speaker.

Gets mad when you take long to reply to his messages and phone calls:God forbid he calls you and you fail to pick up, or worse respond to his text messages. Woe onto you girls. Your man will expect answers as to why you didn’t pick up on time. Your man could even go as far as giving you silent treatment, especially if he is a very emotional man.

Gets mad when you talk to your ex boyfriend : It’s been said that men are more jealous than women, especially when they see their main girl talking to her ex. Perhaps he feels he doesn’t measure up? Or perhaps the man feels his wife or girlfriend still has some feelings left and could be in the process of rekindling their lost romance. Some never want to see you talk to your ex and would even prefer you change your number or even block the guy to cut the communication between you.

Calling every time to find out where you are : This is the biggest sign of an insecure man. A guy called in to the classic 105 show, confessing he calls his wife 30 times a day. Yani, why can’t he give her a break? When a guy calls you every time to find out where you are, what you are doing and who you are with then it simply means he is very insecure.

Information Source: Google

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