How Else Can You Use Rambutan?

  • Womenscorner Desk
  • July 2, 2020

We already know about rambutan's benefits, now we will know about rambutan's leaves, seeds, peel, and the bark usefulness.

The Leaves : The leaves of the fruit contain healing juices. They possess analgesic properties, which basically means they act as an effective painkiller. It is said that drinking the juice works on your nerve centers and heals pain.

The juice from the leaves also offers great scalp health. You can also get rid of frizzy hair just squeeze the juice from the leaves and apply to your scalp and hair. Rinse after an hour. Repeat 3 times in a week.

The Seeds : The seeds also have numerous beneficial properties, but we suggest never to eat them raw. They contain saponins, compounds that can be extremely poisonous.

The seeds are full of proteins and carbs. Adding them to your snack can be a good idea. They also have oxidative properties, which can help remove blemishes from your skin. You just have to crush the seeds to make a fine paste and apply to your skin.

The Peel : The peel contains flavonoids and gallic acid  these contain anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties. You can simply wash the peels and eat them raw. And don’t worry about the spines  they are just soft and tender.

The peel can also cure dysentery and fever. Just boil the peel and strain the liquid. Drink this twice or thrice a day.

The Bark : The bark of the rambutan plant has astringent properties and can treat canker sores.

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