Health Benefits of Ash Gourd

  • Womenscorner Desk
  • July 7, 2020

Deepti Tiwari, Consultant Dietetics of CK Birla Hospital shares a few health benefits of petha or ash gourd. "One of the most significant benefits of ash gourd or safed petha is weight loss. It is very low in calories, and rich in soluble fibres that help keep you full for a long time. It is also replete with potassium which acts as a diuretic in case you have problems like water retention. Moreover, it also has vitamin B2 which is good for energy levels, also riboflavin which facilitates the activity of thyroid gland and stress hormones. Both of which are crucial for weight management. Apart from weight loss, eating petha could also be a good idea for those who have a common problem of acidity, ulcers and heart burn. It acts as a coolant since it is alkaline in nature. It also happens to be a very good source of vitamin C, flavonoids that help pump up your immunity levels"

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