Kuttu atta vs. Singhara atta: Which Is Better For Weight Loss?
- Womenscorner Desk
- October 22, 2020
Have you noticed how Navratri always fall round the change of season? it's widely believed that fasting during this point is useful for the body. The fasting calls for shunning certain food items and replacing them with their lighter versions. People prepare rotis and pooris using kuttu atta and singhara atta, which are the most commonly consumed flours during this festival. We explored which flour from the 2 is healthier and better for weight loss
Kuttu ka atta : Kuttu or buckwheat atta may be a fruit seed, which is why it's allowed to be consumed during fasting. The flour features a nutty flavour and may be a gluten-free alternative to the regular flour . Kuttu ka atta produces heat within the body and that is why is taken into account ideal for this weather. The atta is great for somebody trying to lose weight, and even for those affected by high vital sign and high cholesterol levels. Moreover, it's rich in phosphorus, vitamins, magnesium and zinc.
Singhara atta : Singhara, also called water chestnut or Jesuits' nut , may be a fruit that grows underwater. it is a winter fruit, though it is a by-product like chestnut flour and is available throughout the year. The flour is densely rich in nutrients and may be used for creating various dishes.
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Kuttu atta for weight loss : Kuttu atta works wonders for weight loss because it contains 75 per cent complex carbohydrates and 25 per cent high-quality protein, which makes it a perfect food option for weight watchers. Eating kuttu atta accelerates weight loss and it's lesser calories than wheat atta. Furthermore, it's freed from cholesterol and saturated fats and rich in fibre and protein. Kuttu atta also has iodine, iron, magnesium, vitamin B1 and B6. Moreover, it's gluten-free, which makes it even good for our digestion. Excluding gluten from the diet can work wonders for weight loss for a few individuals.
Singhara atta for weight loss : Singhara atta is rich in fibre. Fibre takes longer to digest and thus stops one from binge eating. The flour is rich in potassium and low in sodium, which helps water retention within the body. Not just this, singhara atta is a superb source of complex carbohydrates and other energy-boosting nutrients like calcium, iron, zinc and phosphorus. During fasting, it's natural that we feel low on energy because the food you eat is different from your regular food. Adding singhara to your vrat diet will keep your energy levels up. The flour has no cholesterol and is rich in various minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. It is loaded with copper, riboflavin and helps keep your thyroid problems.
Verdict : Both the flours are healthy and supply variety of health benefits. While kuttu atta provides warmth, singhara has cooling properties. Both the flours are densely rich in nutrients and are great for weight loss. Just confirm you consume them carefully.
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