How can you recover from depression in your life?

  • Women‍‍`s Corner
  • June 10, 2022

Changing lifestyle can have a big effect on our mood. However, it's not always easy to change our ways. You can exercise five days a week, sleep at least eight hours a night, and eat three healthy meals and two snacks a day. But it's not always easy to do. It's especially difficult when we're depressed. 

We shouldn't try to change our behavior overnight. And it does not work. We can be trying making small changes. When feeling better, we can make more changes. Gradually we can move toward a healthy lifestyle.

Get some exercise: Regular exercise can improve your mood and help you sleep better. From research, three sessions of aerobic activity each week worked as well as antidepressants in treating nearly two-thirds of mild-to-moderately depressed adults. And after 10 months of regular exercise, only 33% of the people who exercised were depressed, compared to 52% of the people who took antidepressants. The results were published in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine in 2000.

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First, start an exercise routine slowly. You can start with walking, meditation, yoga, and whatever you feel with comfortable.

Sleep well: In depression, some people sleep too much and some people can't sleep at all. Try to incorporate healthy sleep habits into your life. Get on a regular schedule: go to bed and get up at the same time each day. Avoid naps. Before getting to bed, unwind with a good book or soothing music, but not in the bedroom. It might help to reserve the bedroom only for sleep and sex.
Eat a healthy diet: There is no diet for depression. A sensible eating plan will keep you feeling healthy and give you the nutrients you need. Watch your calories, eat lots of vegetables, whole grains, and fruits, and limit fat and sugar. Since caffeine can make you anxious, cut back on soda, coffee, tea, and chocolate. Ask your health care provider if seeing a nutritionist would be a good idea.

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Avoid alcohol and drugs:  Alcohol and drugs can make your depression worse. Depression and substance abuse often go together. In addition, alcohol and drugs can prevent your antidepressants from working as well as they should. Addiction or abuse can prevent you from fully recovering from depression.
Get some sunlight: Some people find that they get depressed at certain times of the year, most often during the winter when the days are short and the nights are long. This form of depression is called seasonal affective disorder (SAD). If you have SAD, ask your doctor whether light therapy. Exposure to artificial sunlight with a special lamp might help.
Stay connected and involved: Depression can destroy all of your energy. Push yourself a little bit. Get out with your family or friends. Or take up a hobby that used to give you pleasure. Staying active and connected with the people in your life may help you feel better.

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Give time yourself: Giving time yourself as little as 15 minutes per day may be very helpful. Use that time for relaxation, to meet personal needs, or anything that will “re-charge your mental battery”. Lifestyle changes continue to be important as you and your doctor determine the appropriate treatment options for you.

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